• Save Earth
  • Smart Energy Management
  • AMI



Advanced Metering Infrastructure

As an infrastructure for two-way information exchange between energy providers and users, it refers to a system for measuring, collecting, storing, analyzing, and utilizing energy usage information. It is also a means of acquiring and charging users' energy usage information.
Our AMI fulfill optimal meter reading and energy management by combinating cybersecurity technology and AI energy management system.
It consists of a Smart Meter, which is an electricity usage meter, a Data Concentration Unit, and a modem and server that transmit meter reading information.


  • LPWA(Low Power Wide Area) : PLC, RF Mesh, Hibrid RF & PLC, Wi-Sun, LoRaWan, NB-IoT, Cellular LTE, Ultra-sonic
  • In House : Wifi, Zigbee, Bluetooth

Cyber Security

  • Cyber Attack Protection Technology by Smart Meter
  • DLMS/HLS-connected Mutual Authentication, applying Cryptographic Modules
  • Metering SoC (Syetem on Chip) - Metering + Communication + Security

Sub functions

  • Replace mechanical (inductive) to electronic meters installed in households with smart meters
  • Establishment and operation of AMI system, including server system for communication devices, storing and operating meter reading data, etc
  • Metering SoC (Syetem on Chip) - Metering + Communication + Security
  • Installing communication devices such as data concentrators (DCUs), access points (APs), and meter data management systems (MDMS) for smooth information delivery
  • Provide various energy information management and utilization services to participating households

Smart Meter